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for enterprise


Three components contribute to the sales experience and form the basis for our work:

  • The messages we communicate

  • The skills & behaviors we demonstrate

  • The materials we use 

All three components work in tandem to help us to connect to the client and make the experience compelling and memorable.



Custom Sales Workshops

We provide training and coaching to groups as small as three and as large as 100 to introduce them to best practices, enhance their skills and create a

common approach to preparing and delivering the sales experience. With larger groups, we often design the program so that each group of ten is assigned a Precision coach.   In addition to feeling a part of the larger group, they receive small group attention and ample opportunity to apply the best practices.  

We often use video as we find it to be a powerful learning tool.



We offer one-day presentation workshops throughout the year.  Class size is limited to 8 people and each person receives two, one-on-one virtual coaching sessions on an upcoming presentation after the program. 

presentations coaching



We work one-on-one to develop an individual’s presentation skills and confidence when presenting.  We place a premium on helping each individual to find their own presentation style so that they are authentic and comfortable, revealing their true personality.

Deal coaching

Deal Coaching

We coach teams to win high-stakes deals.  We help them determine messaging and coach them on their presentation skills so that buying committees are crystal clear on how they are different and why it is in their best interest to select them over the competition. Deal coaching not only teaches team members about best practices, but it also dramatically increases the chances of winning the deal.



You need a clear story to the marketplace that is consistently told and can be easily customized to all audiences.  We have an efficient and practical approach for developing a marketplace story that will resonate with your clients and prospects, is easy to tell, differentiates you in the market and builds on your established brand.  Once developed, we can ensure that your story is clearly and consistently communicated in messages, behaviors and support materials.

presentation design



We develop presentation material and leave-behinds that effectively communicate your story and critical messages in clear language and compelling visuals (no matter how complex the subject).

Anchor 1

Precision's Sales Accelerator is a comprehensive on-line program that offers our proven techniques, best practices, and tools on a platform that incorporates gamification techniques to engage users.  The content covers three core pillars critical for sales success:

  • Strategy & Messaging 

  • Skills 

  • Sales Discipline

The program includes::

  • On-line training (approx. 14 hours) where we share best practices, techniques and assessments in short, to-the-point video modules

  • A sales strategy blueprint which is the tool we use to hold your hand in applying the best practices to your specific business and will serve as your field guide going forward

  • One-on-one office hours for coaching on specific sales challenges


The Sales Accelerator

Clay Buchholz

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