The power of the handwritten note
As emails, blogs, texts and tweets rise in popularity, handwritten notes gain power. They stand out from the pack and demand the...

The Eyes Have It: The impact of eye contact on sales success
Most of us have learned from a very young age the importance of eye contact. I remember telling my now twenty-two year old son at the...

Can you hear me now? Five techniques to help you improve your listening
Have you ever been accused of not being a good listener? If your answer is “no”, it is probably because you were not listening to the...

Does your client really need to see that model or chart?
When you think about it, clients hire us to make their lives simpler - to take what is often a complex process and make it simple for...

Dishing the Spumoni: The Power of Analogies and Metaphors
A few years back I was coaching a sales team that was preparing for a site visit in which one of the team members used an analogy to...

Caution: Agendas may cause drowsiness
Buckle your seatbelts… I am about to say something controversial. I don’t think an agenda belongs in a sales presentation. I am...

Confidence Sells: One phrase that should never be used in a sales presentation
I know I am dating myself, but does anybody out there remember the movie Oliver, based on the classic Charles Dickens book? Remember the...

Carrying the Same Business Cards does not Make the Team: 7 ways to ensure your sales team is acting
Many years ago I attended a workshop on empowerment and communication. If I remember correctly, it had something to do with...

Your Behavior is Talking. Are you listening?
“What you do speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you say.” Ralph Waldo Emerson I came across this quote on linkedin last week and it...

Why am I telling you this story? A quick and easy framework to ensure your stories have impact
There is no disputing it. Stories are powerful. They make what you say relatable, interesting and memorable. For this reason, I...